Covid-19 Update
Dear Patients,
We understand there has been a lot of news surrounding the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and it can be confusing to know what to do.
If you or anyone in your family have the following symptoms, please call our office (813-553-3330) to schedule a Video Appointment with the doctor:
-Sinus pressure
-Runny nose
-Sore throat-
-Chest congestion
Please do not come to the office with any of these symptoms to limit your exposure. If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to COVID-19, call our office for a Video Appointment.
Remember, if you’re having a medical emergency go directly to the ER.
In preparation for your Video Appointment:
Go to our website, and click on Patient PortalCreate an account by using the mobile phone number option or use your existing login informationOnce you login, on the main page dashboard under Appointments, you will see the Video Appointment (Televisit) scheduled15 minutes before your scheduled Video Appointment, click the orange Join Televisit boxThe system will check your computer’s settings and run a test to ensure you can join the Video AppointmentOnce all the checks are complete (green check marks), click the orange Proceed button on the bottom leftAt your scheduled Video Appointment time, click the orange Start Televisit buttonWhen the Doctor joins, your appointment will begin
After this initial consultation, the doctor will let you know whether you should come in for a follow up, obtain labs or swab testing and the instructions on how to do so, or isolate at home.
As of now, coverage for Video Appointments costs vary by insurance provider (most are now covering) and are evolving daily. Remember, you will be responsible for any amount not covered by your insurance.
To help prevent the spread of any virus:
-Wash your hands often, with soap and warm water, for 20 seconds minimum.
-Avoid touching your face.
-Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
-Stay home from work/school/etc when you are sick
The FL Department of Health has provided some resources that should be helpful in preventing spread and self-screening. You can find these at
Stay well and please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about your health.
Your InCare Team